Where does Barron Industries deliver? Anywhere in the world. Can't find what you're looking? Try browsing other FAQs for this topic. View All FAQs What Is Investment Casting?How Does Investment Casting Work?What Materials Does Barron Industries Use to Create Castings?What Products Are Made from Investment Casting?Can Stainless Steel Be Used in Investment Casting?What Are the Benefits of Investment Casting?Are Investment Castings Porous?Do You Offer Rapid Prototyping?What Is the Lead Time?What kinds of parts are best suited for the precision casting process?What is the range of size in Barron Industries produced parts?What are the benefits of a precision investment casting versus other types of casting processes?What alloys does Barron Industries pour?What is the range of weight in Barron Industries produced parts?What type of surface finish can be expected from a precision investment casting?How long will it take to receive a quote/proposal?What are the “as cast” dimensional tolerances I can expect?Why is Barron a one-stop shop?Where does Barron Industries deliver? Go